Remake Learning Days-KC

Be part of Remake Learning Days KC 2024!

Remake Learning Days is a multi-day, multi-location festival of innovative learning, featuring fun and free events for youth of all ages. Families can come together to experience making, new technology, art workshops, science experiments, robotics, outdoor learning and more from May 1-16 all across the Kansas City region.

Remake Learning Days-Kansas City focuses on our region but is connected to a global movement that began with Pittsburgh’s Remake Learning Network in 2016 and expanded to regions as far away as Uruguay, the United Kingdom and New Zealand in 2023.

About Remake Learning Days

Remake Learning Days is a celebration of innovative experiences and opportunities for youth to develop their sense of creativity, perseverance and curiosity. The festival features events and activities hosted by a variety of organizations, such as schools, museums, libraries, after school organizations, early child care centers, universities, media centers, tech startups and more.  These experiences are designed to be relevant and engaging for youth of all ages and their families, caregivers and educators. The majority of events are free and in person.

Events are organized by different learning themes such as: Arts, Maker, Outdoor Learning, Science, Technology and Youth Voice. Families and youth can search events by  date/time, location, learning theme, age group (pre-K through high school) and more on the Kansas City page of the Remake Learning Days website.

Host a Remake Learning Days event

Be part of the fun and show how your organization helps Kansas City’s kids get ready for the future by hosting an event at your site or with a partner.

What is a Remake Learning Days event?

Remake Learning Days events are youth-centered (Pre-k–grade 12), free or low cost, family-friendly and, in most cases, open to the public. Events should provide an engaging learning experience (virtual or in person) using one or more Remake Learning Days themes: arts, maker, outdoor learning, science, technology and youth voice.

Who can host a Remake Learning Days event?

All types of organizations—schools, after-school organizations, museums, libraries, community centers, arts spaces, tech companies, makerspaces, parks, for-profit or non-profit organizations or community groups.

How do I host a Remake Learning Days event?

This one-page guide offers a quick, step-by-step overview.

Need ideas for Remake Learning Days activities?

See this list of Idea Starters from local partners.


Wednesday, November 15, 2023: Regional Planning Kick Off for Remake Learning Days KC 2024.

Thursday, January 11, 2024: Lunch-and-Learn Zoom—An Introduction to Remake Learning Days

Thursday, January 18, 2024: Lunch-and-Learn Zoom—A Deep Dive into Planning Your Remake Learning Days Event

Wednesday, January 31, 2024: Deadline to apply for grant funding (Apply here)

Friday, February 9, 2024: Add events to calendar by this date for maximum marketing support!

Thursday, February 22, 2o24: Lunch-and-Learn Zoom—Event Marketing Workshop

RSVP for Zoom Lunch and Learns 

Apply for a mini grant

Grant support

Mini-grant funding will be available to help decrease barriers for organizations interested in hosting an event and will be administered through the Community Capital Fund. Grants will be paid out upon completion of the event. (If this creates a barrier for your organization, please contact us.)

Applications are open through January 31, 2024.

Join the planning team

KC STEM Alliance provides organizational support for Remake Learning Days-KC, but the festival is a community-wide event that emerged from our STEM learning ecosystem. All who are interested are welcome to join in planning. Contact us to get involved! Opportunities include:

Access / Event Host Recruitment

Pop Up Programming 

Publicity / Awareness