Be part of the fun and show how your organization helps Kansas City’s kids get ready for the future by hosting an event at your site or with a partner.
What is a Remake Learning Days event?
Remake Learning Days events are youth-centered (Pre-k–grade 12), free or low cost, family-friendly and, in most cases, open to the public. Events should provide an engaging learning experience (virtual or in person) using one or more Remake Learning Days themes: arts, maker, outdoor learning, science, technology and youth voice.
Who can host a Remake Learning Days event?
All types of organizations—schools, after-school organizations, museums, libraries, community centers, arts spaces, tech companies, makerspaces, parks, for-profit or non-profit organizations or community groups.
How do I host a Remake Learning Days event?
This one-page guide offers a quick, step-by-step overview.
Need ideas for Remake Learning Days activities?
See this list of Idea Starters from local partners.
Wednesday, November 15, 2023: Regional Planning Kick Off for Remake Learning Days KC 2024.
Thursday, January 11, 2024: Lunch-and-Learn Zoom—An Introduction to Remake Learning Days
Thursday, January 18, 2024: Lunch-and-Learn Zoom—A Deep Dive into Planning Your Remake Learning Days Event
Wednesday, January 31, 2024: Deadline to apply for grant funding (Apply here)
Friday, February 9, 2024: Add events to calendar by this date for maximum marketing support!
Thursday, February 22, 2o24: Lunch-and-Learn Zoom—Event Marketing Workshop
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