Green Works in Kansas City

At Green Works in Kansas City we put everything we are into everything we do to serve motivated young people living in the urban neighborhoods served by Kansas City Public Schools. We are committed to providing high-quality education and career exploration opportunities through an environmental platform. We offer nature discovery programs for 4th – 7th graders that include field trips, hikes, bird watching, learning to identify native trees and plants, testing water quality, recycling projects, nature art and more. We offer summer camps for middle school students to explore green careers through a lens of water quality and climate change.

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  • Other STEM program provider

Audience Served

  • Students: Elementary
  • Students: Middle School

Opportunities Offered

  • After school/out of school
  • Field trip
  • Service learning
  • Summer camp

Focus Areas

  • Biology
  • Earth and Environmental Science
  • Ecology/Nature
  • Natural History