Avila University

Avila University offers a comprehensive suite of STEM-related programs, particularly focusing on advanced education in technology management. With specialized concentrations in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Cybersecurity, Computer Science and Engineering Operations, we equip students with the essential skills needed to excel in today’s technology-driven landscape. These programs emphasize practical application through research projects, internships, and cutting-edge coursework, ensuring that graduates are prepared to lead and innovate in rapidly evolving STEM fields.


  • 4-year College/University

Audience Served

  • Educators
  • Students: College and above
  • Students: High School
  • Youth ages 16-24 (not attending high school or post-secondary)

Opportunities Offered

  • Conference/workshops
  • Internships
  • Online learning
  • Scholarships
  • Summer camp

Focus Areas

  • Coding/Programming
  • Computer Science
  • Digital Media Production
  • Engineering
  • Robotics
  • Space Science /Aerospace/Rocketry
  • Technology